Thursday, 10 September 2015

AGM Details

Details for the AGM are as follows:

Date: Tuesday 29th September
Time: 8pm sharp
Venue: Michelin Athletic Club

All teams must be represented at the meeting.
Any new teams wanting to enter the league must also be represented.

Topics discussed at the AGM will include:

  • Voting on items such as rules, format etc
  • Interleague
  • Festival
  • Committee
  • Accounts
  • Fixtures
  • Prizes
Captains of each team need to be there in order to vote on how the league operates.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Results - Week 18 - Tuesday 14th April 2015

Connolly’s A 4-2 Diamond Dazzlers
Don McKeown 2-1 Malcolm Graffin
Dean Dunlop 2-0 Brendan O’Mullan
Kieran Butler 0-2 Robert Artt
Pat McAnally (Snr) 2-0 Chris Gordon
Gary Clarke 2-0 Adrian Rouke
Joey McAnally 0-2 Ian Boal
P.O.M. Gary Clarke
Rearranged Match Week 14 03/03/2015
Michelin Masters 2-4 The Inbetweeners
Jimmy Knowles 0-2 Gareth Rowe
David Armstrong 2-0 Lee Wright
Alan Armstrong 2-1 Gary Ormandy                  
Brian Hanna 0-2 Paul Francey
Harry Eagleson 0-2 Brian Hannaway
Rick McMaster 0-2 Phil Houston
P.O.M. Brian Hannaway
Towers Tavern v The Meatballs
Coach v Fairhill Hustlers
Mighty Moat v Social Club
Diamond Duffers v Moat Mad Dogs
All above matches postponed and will be played at a later date.
Could all outstanding matches be played ASAP.
All trophies to be returned to League Treasurer Gary Richardson ASAP

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Results - Week 17 - Tuesday 31st March 2015

Diamond Dazzlers v Michelin Masters
Malcolm Graffin 0-2 Jimmy Knowles
Brendan O’Mullan 1-2 Brian Hanna
Robert Artt 2-0 Rick McMaster
Chris Gordon 0-2 Alan Armstrong
Adrian Rouke 1-2 David Armstrong
Ian Boal 0-2 Chris Penny
P.O.M - David Armstrong
Meatballs v Inbetweeners
Alan Davidson 2-0 Lee Wright
Owen Butler 0-2 Phil Houston
Ryan Foster 2-0 Paul Francey
Pat McAnally 2-1 Gareth Rowe
Dee Irwin 1-2 Gary Ormandy
David O’Sullivan 0-2 Dessie Cooper
P.O.M - Ryan Foster
Social Club v Diamond Duffers
Marc McMullan 2-0 Ryan McCarroll
Ross Hill 0-2 Matthew Peacock
Albert McBride 2-0 Steven McGaughey
Eddie Fleck 2-1 Tam McMaster
Brian Boyd 2-0 Steven Anderson
May Barr 1-2 Jason Ogilby
P.O.M - Brian Boyd
Moat Mad Dogs v Fairhill Hustlers
Ricky Moore 0-2 Paul Hayes
Clinton Bamber 0-2 Justin Kilpatrick
William Wilson 2-0 Richard Campbell
Sheree Agnew Tufts 0-2 Robert Graham
Simon Kennedy 1-2 Ritchie Irwin
Adele Rutherford 0-2 George McCullough

P.O.M - William Wilson
Fairhill Dreamers v Coach Bar
Linzi McClelland 2-1 Clifford Allison
Allan Agnew 0-2 Frazer Young
Ian Dewar 2-0 David Carlisle
Ashley Harmsworth 1-2 Paul Gray
Nigel McMaster 0-2 Darren Gilmore
Sean Brannigan 0-2 David Gillespie
P.O.M - Linzi McClelland

Note - Towers Tavern v Connollys A postponed.